Organize Your Homeschool E-Book

tosorganizeyourhomeschoolcoIs it a scramble to locate schoolbooks each morning? Does it take your kids five minutes to find and sharpen a pencil? Have you ever discovered that you already have a copy of that new book you just bought? Do you despair that you will ever be organized?

Help is here! Bethany LeBedz and a number of experienced homeschool moms provide tips for getting organized and staying organized.

Follow Bethany’s simple steps to tame the clutter and disorganization in your home.

  • Learn how to adapt an organizational system to fit the curriculum and supplies you use.
  • Figure out the best location for books and supplies, a place that works best for your family’s learning and living lifestyle.
  • Discover the top ten supplies for organizing.
  • Create a plan that will keep everything organized.

Once you have everything in its place, follow Bethany’s simple plan for keeping everything tidy. Then read the special bonus section filled with organizational tips from experienced homeschool moms.

Being organized helps you focus more on learning. Get organized to save time and make your days, weeks, months, and years run more smoothly.
